Reading Resource: Mechanical

Mechanical Engineering



 Ballaney,  P.L

Internal combustion engine

 Ballaney,  P.L

Internal combustion engine : SI Unit

 Banga, T.R, /Agarwal, N.K., /Sharma, S.C,

Industrial engineering and management science

 Bhatt, N.D

Machine drawing

 Black, JT.

The design of the factory with a future

 Chowdary, R.B

Materials handling equipment

 Dutta,  R.N

Machine tools vol-II : Workshop technology

 Ganesan, .V

Internal combustion engines

 Gerling, Heinrich

All about machine tools

 Ghosh,  Amitabha

Manufacturing science

 Giri, N.K

Automobile mechanics

 Gronlund, Norman, E.

Measurement and evaluation in teaching

 Gupta,  R.C

Welding engineering science and metallurgy

 Hamm, G

Tables for the Automotive Trade

 Haslehurst, M

Manufacturing technology

 Hazra, B.

Basic refrigeration and airconditioning

 Hicks,  Tyler G

Pump operation and maintenance

 Jain,  Jain

Mechanical and industrial measurements

 Jain, K.C

Robotic principles and practice  etc

 Kapoor,  H R

Thermal engineering

 Khan,  Mohd.Yunus

Installation testing and maintenance

 Koren, Yoram

Numerical control of machine tools

 Kulkarni, R.V, /Askhedkar, R.D,

Engineering mechanics

 Kumar, D S,

Mechanical Engineering (thermodynamics)

 Lal, Brij.

Heat and thermodynamics

 Lindberg, Roy A

Processes and material of manufacture

 Nakra,  C.P

Farm machines and equipment

 Nayak,  S.P.

Engineering metallurgy

 Prasad, manohar

Refrigeration and air conditioning

 Rao , J.S

Mechanism and machine theory

 Rao , J.S

Mechanism and machine theory

 Rao,  P N

Manufacturing technology : foundry forming

 and welding

 Rao, J S

Introductory course on theory and practice

 of mechanical vibrations

 Reyat,Harbans Singh

Vijai - A repair handbook

 Ryabov,  I V

Problems in combustion and extinguishment

 Sharma, P.C

A textbook of production engineering

 Singh,  C K.

Mechanical costing and estimation

 Single, O P

Engineering thermodynamics

 Sinha, K.P

Foundary  technology

 Sundaresan, S.

An auto biography 

 Welty, James  R.

Fundamentals of momentum heat and mass transfer

 Yahya, S M

Gas tables for compressible flow calculations

Adithan,  M.,

Modern machining methods

Adithan,  M.

Modern machining methods

Adithan,  M.

Modern machining methods

Adithan,M, /Laroiya,S.C,

Practical refrigeneration and air-conditioning


Practical refrigeneration and air-conditioning

Agarwa,  D.D. , /Arora, S.S,

Engineering materials and technology

Agarwal R.L

General mechanical engineering

Ahuja, K.K. ,

Industrial management

Ananthanarayanan, P N ,

Basic refrigeration and airconditioning

Ananthanarayanan, P N

Basic refrigeration and airconditioning

Ananthanarayanan, P N

Basic refrigeration and airconditioning

Ananthanarayanan, P N,

Basic refrigeration and air conditioning

Ananthanarayanan, P N

Basic refrigeration and air conditioning

Arora,C P.,

Refrigeneration and air conditioning

Arora,Subhash C.,

Properties of refrigeneration and psychrometry

Bairagi, N K

Advance Solid Mechanics

Ballaneys, Pushpa

Refrigeration and air conditioning

Ballaneys, Pushpa

Refrigeration and air conditioning

Banga, T.R

Mechanical engineering hand book

Banga, T.R

Foundry engineering

Banga,T R, / Sharma,S.C, /Agarwal, N.K,

Industrial engineering and management science

Bansal R K, and Brar, J S

A textbook of theory of machines /tom

Bansal, R.K

Mechanical engineering : objective type

Bansal,Raj K

Organic reaction mechanisms

Basu, A.R.

ThermalnEngineering Heat Power

Bhattacharya, S.N.

Installation servicing and maintenance


Installation servicing and maintenance


Applied Kinematics


Basic lubrication theory


Industrial location

Choudhary, T Roy

Basic engineering thermodynamics

Chowdary, R.B.

Materials handling equipment

Clark,  H

A first course in quantum mechanics

Crouse, William H., /Anglin, Donald L,

Automotive mechanics

Crouse, William H.

Automotive mechanics

Dalela, S, /Ali, Mansoor,

A textbook of industrial engineering and management system

Doebelin, Ernest O.

Engineering experimentation : planning execution reporting

Domkundaraman, S.

A course in thermal engineering

Domkundwar, S

A course in refrigeration and air conditioning : environmental engineering

Dossat,Roy J

Principles of Refrigeration

Elonka, Stephen M

Standard refrigeration and air conditioning Q & A


Encyclopedia of management: sales management vol:6

Garg, H.P.

Industrial maintenance


An introduction to cnc machining

Giri, N K

Problems in automobile mechanics

Goyal, Khushdeep .

CNC Machines and Automation


Materials & heat traetment


Automobile mechanics

HMT Bangalore

Production technology  HMT

Indu,  B.D

A textbook of theory of machines

Jain, K.C. , /Aggarwal, L.N,

Production planning control and industrial management

Jain, P L

Principles of foundry technology

Jain, P L

Principles of foundry technology

Jain, V.k.

Refrigeration and airconditioning theory & practice  si units

Jordan, .Richard C

Refrigeration and air conditioning

Judge Arthur W

The mechanism of the car 

Juneja, B L

Fundamentals of metal cutting and machine tools


An introduction to energy conversion

Kempster, M.H.A

Introduction to jig and tool design

Khanna, O.P

A textbook of production technology


A text book material science and metallurgy

Khurmi,  R.S.

Elements of mechanical engineering

Khurmi, R.S.

A textbook of refrigeration and air-conditioning


A textbook of machine design


Theory of Machines


Essentials of heat engine


Gas Dynamics with Applications

Kulshrestha, S. K.

Thermal Engineering

Kumar,  B.

Manufacturing technology


Machine design data book

Maitra,  Gitin M

Handbook of gear design

Maleki,Reza A

Flexible manufacturing systems: the technology

 and management 

Mallick, S.K

The mechanics of prestressed concrete design

Mathur, M.L .

A course in internal combustion engines

Mehta, N K

Machine tool design and numerical control


Thermodynamics and heat power engineering

Mital,  K.V.

Optimization methods in operations research and

systems analysis


Engineering thermodynamics

Narang, GBS

Elements of mechanical engineering


CNC machines and automation


A text book of engineering graphics: first angle

 projections method


Machine-shop estimating 

Pabla,B.S., /Adithan,M,

CNC machines


Cnc machines

Pandey, P.C

Modern machining processes

Pascoe,  K.J

An introduction to the properties of engineering materials

Prasad, Manohar

Refrigeration and air-conditioning data book

Rai,  G.D

Practical thermodynamics with questions and answers


Non-conventional energy sources

Rajan, T.S

Basic mechanical engineering

Rajput, R.K

Applied thermodynamics

Rajput, R.K.

Alternating Current Machines

Ranganath, B J

Metal cutting and tool design

Rangwala,  S.c.

Engineering materials (material science)

Rao, J.S.

Turbomachine blade vibration

Rao, Y.V.C

An introduction to thermodynamics


Introductory course on theory and practice of

mechanical vibrations

Rao,S S

Optimization theory and applications

Reyat,Harbans Singh

The automobile

ROY, K P; Hajara Choudhury,S K

Elements of mechanical engineering


Elements of mechanical engineering

Rudra Pratap

Getting started with matlab



Sen, S.P.

Internal combustion engine theory and practice


Automobile technology

Shariff,  Abdulla

Theory of machines :

Sharma, P.C

A textbook of production technology : manufacturing processes


A textbook of production engineering 

Shigley  Joseph Edward

Simulation of mechanical systems an introduction

Shinghal, Rajjan

Pattern Recognition : Techniques and Application

Singh,  P.N.

Elementary mechanics of solids

Singh,  P.N.

Elementary mechanics of solids


Automobile engineering

Sirohi,  R S

Mechanical measurements


Mechanical measurements

Smith, R.C.

Mechanics si unit edition

Somasundaram, PR. S.L.

Engineering thermodynamics

Srinivasan,  N.K

Foundry engineering

Synge, John L.

Principles of mechanics 

Taylor, Howard F.

Foundry engineering 

Thomas, A

Mechanical engineering craft studies


Engineering mechanics

TTTI Madras

Basic production processes

TTTI Madras

Production processes 

Vaish, J.N., /Arora,  M.N.,

Book keeping and accounts part-ii

Vishal, S.

An Introduction To NC/CNC Machines


Introductory quantum mechanics

Wahi, S.K.

Environmental Management in Petroleum Industry

Yahya,  S.M.

Fundamentals of compressible flow: aircraft and rocket propulsion


Fundamentals of Compressive Flow


Fundamentals of Compressive Flow


Gas Tablet


Sheet metal drawing & development