Journal of Science & Technology

Journals of Civil Engineering


Civil Engineering

1. Journal of Emerging Technology & Innovation Research*
2. Acta Technica Corviniensis Bulletin of Engineers*
3. Advances in Civil Engineering*
4. Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry*
5. Advances in OptoElectronics
6. Advances in Radio Science
7. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
8. Annals of the Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara*
9. Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing
10. Archives of Civil Engineering
11. Archives of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering
12. Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy, Constructions, Architechture Section
14. Contemporary Engineering Sciences
15. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
16. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing
17. expresspolymlett/
18. ISRN Civil Engineering
19. Russian Journal of Building Construction & Architecture
20. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials
21. International Journal of Engineering
22. Intech Open Books
23. International Journal of Integrated Engineering
24. International Journal of Nano Dimension
25. International Journal of Prognostics and Health Managemen
26. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics
Sl. No

Mechanical Engineering

1. Advances in Mechanical Engineering*
3. Advances in Theoritical & Applied Mechanics
4. Advances in Tribology
5. Archive of Mechanical Engineering
6. Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi
7. Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements
8. Thermal Fluids Central
11. International Journals of Renewable Energy Research
12. Advanced Manufacturing
13. International Scholarly Research Notices
14. The Scientific World Journal
15. Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
16. Bodyshop Business
17. Eco & Poly Weekly
18. Tomorrows Technician
Sl. No

Electrical Engineering

1. I E E E*
2. Advances in OptoElectronics
3. Active and Passive Electronic Components
4. Advances in Fuzzy Systems
5. Advances in Power Electronic
6. The Annals of Dunarea De Jos
7. Archives of Electrical Engineering
8. Bulletine of Electrical Eng. & Informatics
9. Scientific Research: an academic Publisher
10. Electronics Journal
11. Elektrika
12. Cleak Here
13. Energy Science & Technology
14. ETRI Journal
15. EURASIP Journal on Ad. in Signal Processing
16. EURASIP Journal of bioinformatics and Systems Biology
17. EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems
18. AEI Library
19. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation
20. International Journal of Applied power engineering
24. International Journal of Power Etc. & Drive Systems
25. Adv. in Power Electronics
26. International Journal of Vehicular Technology
27. International Schlarly Research Notics
28. ISRN
29. JEEE
30. Journal of Power Technology
31. Journal of Micro waves
32. Low Power Etc and Applications
33. Journal of Electrical System
34. Journal of Sensor Technology
35. Journal of Signal & Information Processing
36. Majlesin Journal of Elect. Engineering
37. Micromachines
38. Nuclear Tech. & Radiation Production
39. The Open Electrical & Electronic Engineering Journal
40. The Open Signal Processing Journal
41. Radiengineering
42. Recent Patents on Processing
43. Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering
44. Science & Technology of Nuclear Installations
45. Scientific Bulletine of the P. University
46. Telkomnika
47. Transactions on Elect. & Etc. Materials
48. VLSI Design
49. Wireless Engineering & Technology
50. Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering*
Sl No

Chemical Engineering

1. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology*
2. Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science*
3. Petrolium Science and Engineering*
4. Journal Environmental Chemical Engineering*
5. International Journal of Chemical Engineering
6. Open Chemical Engineering Journal
Sl. No

Computer Engineerin

1. Internet Hall of Frame
2. GNU Operating System
3. Internet Society
4. The World of Computer Science & Inf. Technology
5. Urisa
6. Scientific Research
7. CEPIS Upgrade
8. Ti Journals
9. Universal Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Technology
10. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
11. Transactions on Data Privacy
12. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
13. Theory of Computing
14. Theoretical and Applied Informatics
15. Open Applied Informatics Journal
16. Theoretical and Applied Informatics
17. The Python Papers Source Codes
18. The Python Papers
19. The Python Papers
20. The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
21. The International Arab Journal of Information Technology
22. The African Journal of Information Systems
23. TELenor
24. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai : Series Informatica
25. Scientific Annals of Computer Science
26. Controle & Automacao
27. Research Letters in Communications
28. Research Journal of Information Technology
29. Proceeding of the Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems
30. Open Artificial Intelligence Journal
31. Open Software Engineering Journal
32. Open Information Systems Journal
33. OASIcs : OpenAccess Series in Informatics
34. Network Protocols and Algorithms
35. Microwave Review
36. Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS)
37. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
38. Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation
39. Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications
40. Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting
41. LIPIcs : Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics
42. Journal of Universal Computer Science
43. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
44. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
45. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications
46. Journal of Software
47. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks
48. Journal of Security Engineering
49. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology
50. Journal of Physical Agents
51. Journal of Pattern Recognition Research
52. Computer Scinece Jr.
53 Science Publishing Group