Library Rules

Assam Engineering Institute Library
    All the students, Teachers and other Staffs  of AEI are heartiest welcome to the Assam Engineering Institute Library. The librarian and the only G-IV staff will try their best to satisfy the readers by providing reading materials having in the library. The librarian is also ready to provide all kind of reference service with the help of Information Communication Technology. The following rules and regulation is also necessary for the library and the readers have to maintain it strictly.
*    The students & teachers and other staff members are allowed to use the central library.
*    With due permission of the Authority the visitors are allowed to use the library
*    Silence have to be maintained in the library premises .
*    No discussion permitted inside the library.
*    Using Cellular phones etc. is strictly prohibited.
   Signature is compulsory at the time of entry of  the library.
*    Library books have to return on or before the last date of examination.
*    The librarian may recall any books any time from any members and the members shall return the same immediately.
*  Students are allowed to the library only on production of their authorized/ valid Identity Cards

Working Hours of the Library:
Monday to Saturday 10 am to 5 pm.

The readers have to produce valid Identity  Card.  Students are instructed to check the books while borrowing and they will be responsible for any type of damage or mutilation noticed at the time of return.
Overdue Charges
Books will be issued to the students for one semester only. Fine will be charged @ Re:- 0.50 per day per book from the last date of examination till the book is returned to library.
Book Lost
If the books are lost, then the borrower shall replace the books of the same edition or latest edition or pay double cost of the book as per present price  after getting permission from the librarian.

Care of Library Books
Students are require to handle the books/ Journal very carefully; marking with pencil , writing or highlighting , tearing the pages or mutilating the same in any other way will be viewed very seriously. In such case reader shall be held responsible unless these are brought to the notice of the library staff at the time of issue.